
See what solutions we have prepared to raise the effectiveness of your business in the age of innovation

We comprehensively implement container server rooms that are a optimum solution for companies seeking for more server space while lacking the room for its expansion in an existing building or place.

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

We set up Data Center air conditioning, adjusted to the type of heat loads generated by the IT equipment, as individually assorted solutions.

We offer a specialisting technical flooring for cal dealerships or spaces that require a highly esthetic execution, such as hotels, dental clinics, museums etc.

CCTV/AC systems

This is a central point for the control or monitoring of events in the server room and accompanying infrastructure. A BMS system (application, control, computer) in many cases allows for fast identification of potential risks in the server room infrastructure. The functionality is mainly used in air-conditioning systems as well as base and uninterruptible power supply systems.

Make sure you have the best fire protection system for your Data Centre with our tech assessment and control. Our experts analyze IT infrastructure in order to identify any security gaps.

Our clients rely on our preventive audits, performance audits, LAN/WAN/FO/energy production installations, post-emergency support and  many other services, made to measure. 

Professional Data Center cleaning services

We provide a professional cleanup services with the highest quality standards in mind.

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